Tagged: casper arboll

Capdesk Wants to Improve the Experience for Shareholders in Unlisted Companies

Danish startup Capdesk is setting up shop in London.  The new platform is described as a “social shareholder platform” that seeks to improve the interaction between investors and issuers in unlisted companies. Capdesk has gained the backing of well-known business angel Nicolaj Højer Nielsen and the Innovation Fund… Read More

Aligning Entrepreneur and Crowdinvestor Interests

  Crowdinvesting has contributed to the development of new organizational forms that in particular affects entrepreneur – investor relations. In this new reality, it is normal for startups to have an average of 125 investors. A potential burden for small founder teams, but also a… Read More

Equity Crowdfunding: Leveling the playing field for female entrepreneurs and investors

For a long time women entrepreneurs have been marginalized in traditional forms of finance, excluded from venture capital and business angel investing which is often referred to as old boys clubs. With only 12 percent of all business angels being female, it is not surprising… Read More

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