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2nd Annual Academic Symposium on Crowdfunding

September 11, 2014 @ 12:00 pm - September 12, 2014 @ 2:00 pm EST

Our 2nd annual academic symposium on crowdfunding will be held September 11th & 12th. Like the first, this gathering will bring together academics, practitioners, and policy makers. This symposium will take a global look at the developing phenomena of social finance for SMEs and Innovation – whether strictly ā€œcrowdfundingā€ or more broadly the application of social finance mechanisms including Peer-to-Peer lending, Peer-to-Business lending, and all other forms of crowdfunding and crowdfund investing. Since our 2013 conference, the number of platforms has more than doubled, and despite significant delays in enacting rules to allow equity crowdfunding in the United States, many nations have adopted laws and rules to allow crowdfunding.

The conference will begin with lunch onĀ Thursday, September 11thĀ and includes dinner that evening. It concludes in the afternoon of September 12th. Consistent with our model from last year, we are inviting distinguished scholars to present their views during moderated panels, as well as top thought leaders internationally. This format allows for the exchange of best practices, questions and research insights from leaders in the international community.


September 11, 2014 @ 12:00 pm EST
September 12, 2014 @ 2:00 pm EST
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Fung Institute


UC Berkeley
Bantao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720 United States
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