Join the 6th ECN Crowdfunding Convention – New technologies for accessing finance.
Organized by the European Crowdfunding Network AISBL (ECN), the group is a professional network supporting transparency, (self) regulation and governance while offering a combined voice in policy discussion and public opinion building. ECN was formally incorporated as an international not-for-profit organisation in Brussels, Belgium in 2013. This is the 6th Annual ECN Crowdfunding Convention.
Why attend?
- Discover fintech companies making online access to finance more efficient
- Get to grip of how blockchain and AI could change online access to finance
- Join the discussion on how to facilitate cross-border online investments in Europe
- Take advantage of 5+ networking hours across the two days and make your mark on 200+ attendees
- Meet pan-European industry peers and contribute shaping the futureof alternative finance
You will learn
- How to prepare for the next phase of online access to finance
- How AI, blockchain and big data could impact online access to finance
- How to build win-win partnerships with financial institutions and corporations
- How the regulatory framework for crowdfunding and crowdlending is developing in Europe
- The latest opinions and activities of EU policymakers on online access to finance
- Insights and opportunities for investing in alternative finance and real estate crowdfunding