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University of California at Berkeley
Blum Hall, plaza level
Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 12:00 PM -Friday, October 18, 2013 at 2:00 PM (PDT)
➢ Dr. Tarik Yousef, CEO, Silatech
➢ Dr. Shehab Marzban,
➢ Dr. David Bholat, Bank of England
➢ Julia Groves, Chair, UK CrowdFunding Network
➢ Kristof De Buysere, European Crowdfunding Network
➢ Jouko Ahvenainen, Founder of Grow VC Group
➢ Tomás de Lara, Co-founder at Engage, Netweaver at
➢ Ethan Mollick, Wharton School of Business “Swept Away by the Crowd? CrowdFunding, Venture Capital, and the Selection of Entrepreneurs”
➢ Gerrit K.C. Ahlers, A.T. Kearney GmbH, with Christina Guenther, Douglas Cumming, and Denis Schweizer “Signaling in Equity CrowdFunding”
➢ Alicia Robb, Kauffman Foundation, with Dan Marom, and Orly Sade “Gender Dynamics in CrowdFunding: Evidence on Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Deals from Kickstarter”
➢ Peter Younkin, McGill University, with Keyvan Kashkooli “A Crowd or a Community”
Discussant: Olav Sorenson, Yale School of Management
➢ Jason Best and Sherwood Neiss, Crowdfund Capital Advisors and Fung Institute, UC Berkeley, with Richard Swart, Anthony Lambkin “Scaling Innovation: Crowdfunding’s Potential for the Developing World”
➢ Hye Hwal Seong, Inha University, Korea – The Korean Resolution of Crowdfunding Regulatory Challenges
➢ Doug Ellenoff, Ellenoff Grossman and Schole, LLP
Discussant: Richard Swart – Research Director, Program for Innovation in Entrepreneurial Finance, Fung Institute
➢ Award Ceremony for Congressman Patrick McHenry, 10th District of North Carolina
➢ Thomas Hildebrand, European School of Management and Technology, with Manju Puri and Jörg Rocholl “Adverse Incentives in CrowdFunding”
➢ Venkat Kuppuswamy, University of North Carolina, with Barry L. Bayus “CrowdFunding Creative Ideas: The Dynamics of Project Backers in Kickstarter”
➢ Anindya Ghose, NYU Stern School of Business, with Gordon Burtch and Sunil Wattal “Private Displays of Affection: An Empirical Examination of Online CrowdFunding Information Hiding Behavior”
Discussant: Gustavo Manso, Haas School of Business
➢ Charles F. Manski, Northwestern University
➢ Manju Puri, Duke University
➢ Toby E. Stuart, Haas School of Business
➢ Hal Varian, Google
➢ Ajay Agrawal, Rotman School of Management, with Christian Catalinia, Avi Goldfarb “The Geography of CrowdFunding.”
➢ Mingfeng Lin, University of Arizona, with Siva Viswanathan “Home Bias in Online Investments: An Empirical Study of an Online Crowd Funding Market”
Co-Discussants: Lee Fleming, UC Berkeley & Bryan Zhang, Cambridge
➢ Richard Swart and Lee Fleming, UC Berkeley
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