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On November 18, 2021, the Association of German Credit Platforms (VdK) is holding its industry event for digital financing and investing for the second time. Under the motto “WHERE FINTECH MEETS POLITICS”, renowned speakers from the world of fintechs, politics, science and media will meet at FINTICS in Berlin.
The FINTICS program deals for the first time this year in three panels and three think tanks with current topics from the alternative debt financing industry and highlights the opportunities and risks of current trends. At the start of the event, which will be broadcast live from the Deloitte Greenhouse in Berlin, the representatives from journalism, politics and companies invited to the podium will speak about the important topic of consumer protection. The aim is to take a look beyond the German borders at the European status quo in consumer protection. The other panels in the morning are devoted to the questions “Blockchain – Hype or Game Changers in SME Financing?” And “Digital Debt – Opportunity or Risk for SMEs”.
In the afternoon, three think tanks will join in for networking. Under the title “Digital Transformation – The Value Chain of Lending Today and Tomorrow”, the discussion will discuss what the business models of the future are and what opportunities the cooperation between fintechs and banks offers. The two following discussion rounds deal with the current topics of decentralized finance and artificial intelligence.
“The response to our pilot event last year showed that the industry is very interested in this format and that we were able to provide lasting impetus. I am pleased that we were able to win very exciting guests again this year and that our discussion groups are top-class. I am confident that FINTICS will establish itself as a permanent fixture in the industry’s event calendar ”, said Constantin Fabricius, managing director of the association.
Those involved in the panels include high-ranking company representatives from auxmoney, invesdor, creditshelf, DEBTVISION, CrossLend and d-fine as well as invited experts from politics, administration, science and journalism. The event will take place again digitally for the public – then live on site next year.
Panel 1:
Quo vadis, consumer protection? On the situation of consumers in Europe
SARAH RYGLEWSKI, Member of the Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance
PROF. DR. HANS SCHULTE-NÖLKE, Chair for European Private and Commercial Law, University of Osnabrück
PHILIPP KRIEPENDORF, Co-Founder & Member of the Board of the VdK and Co-Founder & Managing Director, auxmoney GmbH
Moderator: JOHN HUNTER, Finanzredakteur Finance Forward & Capital Magazin
Panel 2:
Blockchain – hype or game changer in SME financing?
DIRK SCHRADE, Permanent Representative of the Head of the Central Department Payment Transactions & Settlement Systems, Deutsche Bundesbank
JOHANNES SCHRAPS, Member of the Bundestag, reporter on the eWpG
DR.JOACHIM SCHWERIN, Principle Economist, Digital Commission Unit (DG GROW)
JENS SIEBERT, member of the board of the VdK and the Invesdor Group
Moderator: DR. MARTIN HOCK, finance editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine
Panel 3:
Digital Debt – Opportunity or Risk for SMEs
ASTRID BARTELS, Head of Unit, SME Access to Finance, European Commission (DG GROW)
MICHAEL THEURER, Member of the Bundestag, Chairman of the FDP State Association of Baden-Württemberg and member of the FDP Federal Presidium
DR. TIM THABE, Co-Founder of the VdK and Co-Founder & CEO of creditshelf AG
Moderator: ANGELA WEFERS, head of the Berlin editorial office of the Börsenzeitung
Think tank 1:
Digital Transformation – The Value Chain of Lending Today and Tomorrow
LUCIE HASS, Managing Director, Helaba Digital GmbH & Co. KG
MARCO HINZ, member of the board of the VdK, COO Crosslend GmbH
THOMAS BAYERL, Head of Illiquids, MEAG GmbH
DR. JÖRG HOWEIN, CPO, Solarisbank AG
Think tank 2:
Decentralized Finance – Autonomous Loan Platforms
DR. GUIDO ZIMMERMANN, Senior Economist, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
RADOSLAV ALBRECHT, Founder and CEO, Bitbond GmbH
DR. ULLI SPANKOWSKI, CDO, Boerse Stuttgart Group
Think tank 3:
Artificial intelligence – engine of digital transformation
PROF. DR. KATJA LANGENBUCHER, Chair of Civil Law, Business Law and Banking Law, research focus including artificial intelligence and algorithm-based (credit) scoring, University of Frankfurt am Main
DR. LEA MARIA SIERING, Chief Risk Officer, finleap connect GmbH
ANDREAS HARTL, Head of Artificial Intelligence & Data Economy, Federal Ministry of Economics
DR. CHRISTIAN FINKE, Manager, d-fine GmbH
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