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In a recent survey, London was voted the world’s top financial centre for the first time since 2013. However, a majority of respondents also indicated that New York would regain its spot as the pre-eminent global hub within the next five years. With Brexit continuing to cause doubts for many financial services professionals and the shift of economic and financial activity towards Asia, it is more critical than ever that regulators and finance professionals consider the role of London in the evolving landscape of global finance.
But what exactly are the key characteristics of successful global financial centres, and how well is London equipped? In the wake of ongoing political and technological transitions, what are the risks, what are the opportunities and how should stakeholders respond? And how will the Brexit process impact the competitiveness of the City, and its relationship to Europe and the rest of the world? Chatham House will bring together policy-makers, industry leaders and finance experts to address the following questions:
The Chatham House Rule
To enable as open a debate as possible, this conference will be held under the Chatham House Rule.
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