Novena Nears Its $250K Crowdfunding Goal on Crowd Supply

Hoping to change the way people see computers, Bunnie Huang announced its seeking $250,000 through crowdfunding on Crowd Supply for its brand new computer Novena. The new computer was designed for “users who care about open source, and/or want to modify and extend their hard wear.”

Wired reports nearly all of Novena’s components are open-source, which means anyone can take aNovena closer look into the design of software bugs, defects and government regulated security systems. It will also allow users to reprogram however they see fit.

One thing that the consumer will definitely notice about the hardware is the case design. Its screen apparently opens the “wrong way.” This feature is apparently on purpose and allows the computer to be useable as a wall-hanging unit when the screen is closed. This solves a major hacking issue with a “clamshell arrangement” look. Another feature is the LCD bezel is made out of a single, simple aluminum sheet. This will allow users the access to a minimal machine shop to modify or create their very own bezel.

Bunnie Studios noted, “This is not a machine for the faint of heart. It’s an open source project, which means part of the joy – and frustration – of the device is that it is continuously improving. This will be perhaps the only laptop that ships with a screwdriver; you’ll be required to install the battery yourself, screw on the LCD bezel of your choice, and you’ll get the speakers as a kit, so you don’t have to use our speaker box design.”

As part of donations, Bunnie Studios will reward backers who give a significant amount to the project. For $500, the investor will get a motherboard with a few computing parts, including a Cortex A9 processor, 4GB of RAM, a 4GB microSD card with Debian on-board, a WiFi  card, HDMI output, an Ethernet jack, two USB ports, a headphoNovenane, microphone port and power supply.

The “All-in-One Desktop” of Novena will cost $1,195 and will have everything above plus an aluminum enclosure with room for expansion and a 13-inch 1080p display. The laptop model costs $1,995 and adds a battery controller board, a 3000 mAh battery pack and a 240GB solid state drive.


Novena has raised a total of $192,885 and investors have until May 18th to give to the project.

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