Kuju Startups Fund Powers on Seedrs: Investors Tap Into UK’s Nascent Gaming Industry

In a new equity crowdfunding campaign listed on Seedrs called Kuju Startups Fund, investors will enjoy the opportunity to invest in a diverse portfolio of promising videokuju game developers on mobile, tablet and PC platforms.  The campaign quickly raised over £32K since its launch.  With the full support of Kuju Entertainment – one of the UK’s leading video game developers – each startup will receive hands-on support in taking each product from concept to market. Focusing on the high growth mobile, tablet and PC sectors (these markets are expected to grow year-on-year at 16.5% to reach a global value of $28.9 billion by 2016), each company will receive a gross investment of up to £150,000 in return for equity (up to a maximum of 40%) in its business.

Kuju, founded in 1998, works with world-leading publishers, such as Microsoft, Nintendo and Ubisoft and has shipped over 120 titles across 14 different devices including Powerstar Golf on the Xbox One, Disney Sing It!, Zumba, Rabbids, Art Academy, House of the Dead and Silent Hill.

Led by Games Investment Director Travis Winstanley, Business Development travis Winstanley & derek De FilippDirector Derek De Filipp, Director of Art and Production of Zoë Mode Ben Hebb, Studio Head of Headstrong Games Bradley Crooks, CEO of Kuju Entertainment Ltd. Dominic Wheatley, Commercial Director of Kuju Entertainment Gary Bracey, mobile game design and monetization guru Oscar Clark, and Studio Head of Zoë Mode Paul Mottram, the Kuju’s Startups Fund Team possesses a far-reaching indie and investment community network, and according to the campaign, typically discovers high-quality investment opportunities through one of the following sources:

  • Kuju’s expansive network of existing developer contacts, Kuju’s influential zoe modeadvisory panel
  • The investment community
  • Established accelerator programs
  • Networking at global video game events and exhibitions
  • Manual searches in specific print and online news sources and publications

As for the assessment process, according to Kuju, each applicant will undergo due diligence process that evaluates the business on the following grounds:

  • The team’s experience, pedigree, and ability to deliver a great game
  • The game idea in terms of innovation, originality and quality
  • The market opportunity
  • Route-to-market strategy
  • The company’s scalability and capacity to grow rapidly

Each company will then be screened for approval by the Kuju Startups Team and Advisory Panel.

kuju 3Kuju Startups identifies that “Great Britain’s games startups are commonly recognized as being underserved by early-stage finance. This presents a missed opportunity for both developers and investors. With 41% of developers citing this as their primary obstacle to growth, we need to improve access to early-stage finance, if we are to produce the next billion pound game company within the UK,” The campaign  explains further, “The Kuju Startups Fund aims to tackle this very problem by providing early-stage finance to the UK’s most promising developers, and if only one of our startups goes on to replicating the same success of other game companies, then the returns could be significant.”

Additional financial and campaign information may be found on the Seedrs’ campaign, which closes in 37 days.


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