OSL Holdings Inc. (“OSL” or “the Company”), a socially conscious business model dedicated to consumer advocacy, social activism and the advancement of civil liberties through the power of commerce, announced its intent to enter into a joint venture and licensing agreement with Cheryl Shuman, news personality, marijuana legalization advocate, marijuana PR/marketing guru, and cannabis industry entrepreneur.
The agreement will include a licensing deal with Beverly Hills Cannabis Club, a luxury cannabis industry service brand and Cannadabbadoo, a crowdfunding platform for the cannabis industry. Bob Rothenberg, OSL’s CEO stated:
“We are excited to partner with Cheryl Shuman. She is a leading figure in the legal cannabis industry and will bring great value to OSL.”
Steve Gormley, OSL’s Chief Business Development Officer explained:
“Cheryl is a true pioneer in the legal marijuana industry. She brings tremendous resources and assets to the table and we’re elated to be working with her.”
Cheryl Shuman then added:
“Finding the right team is the secret to success. Our joint venture with OSL allows us to bring all of our intellectual property to life with a dream team of professionals.”
OSL Holdings Inc. is a development and technology company, specializing in affluent, liberal and libertarian markets with high disposal income, with a mission to advance civil liberties through the power of commerce.
OSL Holdings’ target consumers are highly educated, respond to cause marketing initiatives and socially conscious business models, and are technologically savvy. The company announced its intent to enter the legal marijuana market when federal law permits, providing foundational work for branding, marketing, technology, and logistics to existing or emerging legal marijuana licensees.