In a sign of the times, USC’s Marshall School of Business has launched a course focusing soley on Fintech. While Fintech is an all encompassing term for internet finance, the USC course will focus on the “entrepreneurial spirit” of the movement.
So what will students uncover if they register for the course? Discussions will range from emerging business models, direct lending, equity crowdfunding, blockchain and more. The coursework will include a special appearance by a SoFi co-founder, the company that raised the single largest Fintech investment ever.
In an interview by the CA Fintech Network, James Healy, one of the instructors for the new course who happens to be a VP at FastPay, explained;
“In our experience, student familiarity with FinTech companies has only increased their interest in the segment. We are not only going to highlight the business models of these types of companies but are also engaging directly with these firms.”
“We imagine we’ll have student reactions all across the spectrum: Some will pursue careers with FinTech companies, some will launch their own FinTech startups, and some will become entrepreneurs in alternative segments but utilize FinTech firms to raise debt or equity. The most exciting aspect for us is not thinking about where students will fit into today’s FinTech environment but waiting to see what innovative ideas they develop to create entirely new FinTech segments!”
USC is not alone in its academic interest in disruptive finance. But they they may get to claim “First” in a dedicated course. Inevitably all finance is moving online. Better to be ahead than behind.