Quant Network Launches New Blockchain Operating System “Overledger”

Quant Network announced last week the launch of its blockchain Operating System, called Overledger, at the inaugural Quant X event in London. According to Quant Network, the new product reduces the current 8-month lead time and £3 million cost that Enterprises endure just to get started with blockchain down to 8 minutes and 3 lines of code.

Quant Network then explained that the Overledger is the platform on which MApps (multi-chain decentralized applications) and Treaty Contracts (Multi-chain Smart Contracts) will run. Quant Network will provide the means for Enterprise and developers to create applications to interact across blockchains using a Software Development Kit (SDK). While sharing details about the development of the operating system, Gilbert Verdian, CEO of Quant Network, stated:

“For the first time, we can honor the original vision of the Internet to create an open, interoperable and trusted network for people, machines and data to operate on, but without the original flaw of having to know and trust everyone within the network. We’ve simplified and removed the barriers for any Enterprise to benefit from blockchain technology to get started with only 3 lines of code.”

Also speaking about the Overledger software, Quant Network added:

“In their current form, decentralised applications (dApps) can only operate within the confines of a single-ledger without the ability to scale or migrate off if required. In comparison, Overledger facilitates multi-chain applications (mApps) which benefit from having the ability to operate simultaneously across multiple different ledgers.”

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