OurCrowd Portfolio Company Kryon Accelerates COVID-19 Testing

OurCrowd portfolio company Kryon has announced a solution in collaboration with the Information Systems and Digital Division at Clalit Health Services, the largest health service organization in Israel. Kryon’s solution automates a critical process of uploading COVID-19 test results. In Israel, each lab is performing between 500 and 800 patient tests a day, after which laboratory workers take up to 10 minutes to manually enter and verify the data integrity of each test.

Kryon developed an automated process in just 12 hours where robots process and verify records much faster. Kryon’s robots now process each record in less than one second, enabling Clalit to provide top-quality healthcare that quite literally saves lives.

Moshe Sade, Head of the Information Systems and Digital Division at Clalit, said they are now able to ensure test results are processed quickly and without error. He explained that the Kyron process has had a significant impact on combating the coronavirus as more civilians receive rapid diagnostic care and fast and accurate lab results.

Having already assisted other healthcare and financial services providers with similarly urgent projects, Kryon said they were familiar with the challenges Clalit faced.

Harel Tayeb, CEO of Kryon, said they launch a solution that seamlessly integrates systems that were never designed to work together.

“Now, Clalit can be confident that every test result is processed rapidly and accurately, so they can focus on delivering lifesaving medical care to those in need rather than worrying about data entry. Undoubtedly, automation programs which combine digital workers with human workers will be the foundation for the way we all will do business in the post-Coronavirus era.”

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