NFTs: Regenerative Finance Firm Likvidi Introduces Origins, the Carbon Credit Yielding NFT Collection

Likvidi, a regenerative finance (ReFi) company, has announced the launch of its Origins Collection; the “first-ever” carbon credit-yielding NFTs.

Holders of Origins NFTs can “earn tokenized carbon credits which they can use to offset their carbon footprint.” This is the first of a line of carbon-yield products from Likvidi that “aims to encourage awareness of offsetting as a practice for individuals, not just corporations.”

Origins NFTs will be “available on Carbonstore, Likvidi’s new retail ReFi platform.” NFTs can be “bought and then staked on the platform to start yielding carbon credits which can then be claimed into users wallets and offset on the platform.”

Each NFT “bears artwork, produced by combining AI-powered imagery with illustrations. Artists at AI company 330ai have altered source illustrations with textual inputs and machine learning to ensure each design is unique with rarity built in.”

The animals depicted on the NFTs “represent Verra-approved carbon sequestration projects in three locations; Rimba Raya rainforest in Borneo, Pacajai REDD+ in the Amazon rainforest, and Mai Ndombe in the Congo Basin. Carbon credits earned via staking hail from the conservation of these specific jungle habitats.”

Likvidi CEO Ransu Salovaara commented:

“Blockchain technologies allow us to tokenize carbon credits and make them available for the first time to global retail audiences as an added utility to NFTs. As climate change starts to disrupt people’s everyday lives, we anticipate that personal carbon offsetting will be a compelling offer as individuals take action against global warming.”

As noted in the update, Likvidi is a ReFi company “focused on carbon technologies that help individuals and companies to reach a net-zero carbon footprint.” Their platform “comprises of carbon offsetting, a primary market venue, Carbonstore, and a secondary market venue, CarbonDEX.”

Their core products “include tokenized Carbon Credits, Carbon Forwards and Carbon-yielding NFTs, that we issue for ourselves and for third parties.”

Carbon credits are “a real-world asset trading on the Voluntary Carbon Market.”

Each credit “represents the sequestration of one metric tonne of CO2. Likvidi tokenizes carbon credits, of high quality, from verified regenerative projects which can then be earned via staking.”

Likvidi carbon credits are “known as LCO2 and can be held, traded or offset.” Offsetting removes the credits from circulation, “permanently storing the equivalent CO2 away from the atmosphere.”

Origins NFT holders “will be eligible to join Likvidi’s exclusive Originators club where they can claim additional rewards and benefits.”

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