House Subcommittee to Discuss Financing Nuclear Energy

The House Financial Services Committee, Subcommittee on National Security, Illicit Finance, and International Financial Institutions will hold a hearing on financing for nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is deemed to be one of the cleanest energies available today. In recent decades, there has been a push against carbon-based energy due to concerns about the environmental impact. At the same time, nuclear energy has gotten a bad rap due to popular sentiment on waste and disposal, yet nuclear energy does not pollute like, say, coal.

Meanwhile, more impact-friendly sources of energy, such as wind or solar, have frequently benefited from subsidies – yet these sources are unable to satisfy the demand for energy – which is growing dramatically.

The Subcommittee has scheduled a hearing entitled; “International Financing of Nuclear Energy”.

The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 10 AM ET.

As of yet, hearing witnesses have yet to be named.

The hearing will be live-streamed on the Committee website.



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