Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) Accelerates Introduction of AI into Business Processes

BCB, Brazil’s central bank, says that it is now focused on accelerating the introduction of AI into its business processes.

BCB notes in a recent announcement that this will aim to serve as “a new Center of Excellence will serve as a community of practice “in data science and AI, functioning in a consultative and propositional capacity.”

The Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) has reportedly created “the Center of Excellence in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (CdE IA) to further the evolution and application of data science and artificial intelligence (AI) at the institution.”

The CdE IA will aimt o have a consultative and propositional nature, “functioning as a community of practice made up of experts under the coordination of the BCB’s Information Technology Department (Deinf).”

The initiative reportedly aligns with the strategic “objective of improving the BCB through innovation, technology, and efficient resource management” in line with international best practices, as well as with the institution’s 2020-2025 Information and Communication Technology Master Plan goal of “Improving the BCB’s analytical and predictive capacity.”

Haroldo Cruz, Head of the BCB’s Information Technology Department said:

“We want to enhance efficiency and productivity in the BCB’s business processes through innovative tools, especially with the integration of artificial intelligence, in a secure and governed manner.”

The CdE IA’s mission is to propose guidelines “to the BCB governance for the safe and ethical development and deployment of software services that leverage data science and AI, as well as suggest requirements for generative AI products and services within the BCB.”

In addition, it should propose a permanent training program “on data science and AI for the institution.”

According to Eduardo Weller, Deputy Head of Deinf, all BCB areas will “be represented at the CdE IA by staff with technical profiles to carry out tasks related to its objectives.”

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