In an interview by CNBC’s Julia Boorstin at the Sun Valley gathering, famed Venture Capitalist commented on several issues regarding the financial world. Andreessen continued on the theme that today’s IPO Market is “broken”.
Effectively there is a two class market where private companies are growing fast and delaying offering shares to the public as long as possible. Andreessen stated there are many private companies which should be public but they aren’t. He went on to attack over-regulation, mentioning specifically Sarbanes – Oxley as one of the problems, which penalizes start-ups.
Andreessen firmly believes regulatory reform is needed to fix things which are “out of balance”. He commented that this is an all time low for Tech IPOs.
Andreessen is still very optimistic about the over all state of the economy. When asked what his company is interested in, he mentioned specifically “crowdfunding”and “learning if products can be sold in advance”…”Uncovering signals in advance”.