Wheelys Said to Break Overfunding Record on FundedByMe

Wheelys success

Wheelys Café has just closed their equity crowdfunding round on FundedByMe having raised over €740,000 from 167 investors. The final tally comes after over-funding by 410%, according to FundedByMe. The previous most “overfunded” offer on FundedByMe was for Berries by Astrid that hit 380% of its funding goal.

Wheelys is a moveable cafe concept that drops the price point of opening up a cafe to about $6000.  Since 2015, Wheelys has shipped over 500 cafes to more than 60 different countries. Reportedly they have a waiting list of 100+ to receive the next batch of cafés. Wheelys has previously raised seed capital – in part from its participation in Y Combinator.

Maria De La CroixWheelys co-founder and CEO Maria De La Croix shared;

“It’s been a great experience and we are overwhelmed by the interest from the crowd. Crowdfunding has been a great complement to VC investment and we’ll definitely do it again as we have gained money, brand awareness and a host of international talented fans.”

FundeByMe CEO Daniel Daboczy called Wheelys success “thrilling”.

“This is what crowdfunding is all about – presenting a hot opportunity to the crowd and having them react in record time. This proves again that smart entrepreneurs with a brilliant business idea and a solid network stands to gain tremendously from crowdfunding.”

Wheelys has indicated its intent to use FundedByMe in future funding rounds as well.


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