General Mills Celebrates Box Top For Education’s 20th Anniversary By Launching Crowdfunding Tool “Clip Board”

Food giant, General Mills, announced on Thursday in honor of its Box Tops For Education’s 20th birthday, it will be rolling out a new crowdfunding-type tool, Clip Board, which allows the program’s volunteer coordinators to conduct online collection drives that showcase what their clips are being used for. 

general-mills-2The company revealed that coordinators can post their school’s specific needs and then rally support to help reach their goals. Box Tops clippers will also have the opportunity to pledge their Box Tops and support a school’s drives. Supporters may use the Clip Board to search schools by geographic location or by finding a drive. 

Sharing details about the both the Clip Board and the company new bonus app, which makes it easier for supporters to earn more money to help schools get the critical items they need, Audra Carson, who notably leads the Box Tops for Education program at General Mills, stated:

Our new Clip Board and Bonus App give the next generation of parents an even easier way to support kids and schools. Right out of the gate, the response has been incredible, with more than 5,700 collection drives already added to the Clip Board and more than 140,000 Box Tops pledged in just the first three weeks, illustrating the great need for these critical items.”

general-mills-1Ann Simonds, Chief Marketing Officer at General Mills, commented:

Schools are finding it increasingly challenging to fund everything they want to do for our kids so the resources Box Tops for Education provides are critically important. There are millions of dollars in Box Tops sitting on store shelves right now and there is no easier way for people to help schools get what they need.”

America’s K-8 schools have reportedly earned over $780 million through the Box Tops for Education program since its launch in 1996, with approximately 35 million households participating last year. Schools can earn up to $20,000 annually through the program.

General Mills is celebrating the 20th birthday of its iconic Box Tops for Education(TM) program, which has provided schools in the U.S. with more than $780 million in funding over the last two decades. (PRNewsFoto/General Mills)

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