Video Game Developers Popcannibal & Aubrey Serr Turn to Crowdfunding Platform Fig For New Projects

On Wednesday, Fig announced Boston-based studio Popcannibal launched a campaign on its crowdfunding platform to raise $50,000 for the video game, Make Sail. The new game is the latest title from the studio’s founder Ziba Scott and is described as a physics construction adventure.

make-sailsMake Sail notably challenges players to craft a ship and navigate it through a raging sea of advanced water and wind simulations. Along the way, they’ll have to survive an ocean of storms and angry beasts on a quest for rare parts to build better boats. The Popcannibal team noted:

“The world is a procedural arrangement of crafted islands, pieces and creatures.  It’s being designed to give you reasons to build a wide variety of ships. Each replay will present different challenges and opportunities at different stages of gameplay. As you push the storm back, new islands and new waters become available to explore. Find new pieces for your creations, escape giant creatures, and push onwards to escape.”

Speaking about why he and his team turned to Fig for the campaign’s launch, Scott stated:

“Fig’s crowdfunding will allow us to develop Make Sail on our own terms, without compromising design or rushing production. Just as important, Fig is using their resources to shine a spotlight on us so audiences can find Make Sail and be part of the process of creating something wonderful.”

Make Sail’s campaign is set to close next month. Fig also revealed that Aubrey Serr of 12 East Games will be launching a campaign next month for the new game, Trackless. Serr commented:

“Crowdfunding makes a lot of sense for us, since it simultaneously grants us the ability to raise funds for polishing and shaping our game, while at the same time helping get the word out. We’re excited that Fig is helping us with the campaign and will continue to help us even once the funding is done.”

Justin BaileyCEO of Fig, Justin Bailey, then added:

“At Fig, we are passionate about supporting independent developers big and small. Our mission is to create a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem that breeds innovation in the industry, while helping fund and support developers so they can concentrate on what they do best – making great games.”

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