Cloud Nine: Mambu Celebrates Three Years on UK Fintech50 List & Asian Banker Technology Innovation Award

Mambu, the core engine powering digital first banking and lending, has been named for the third consecutive year to the FinTech50 and won the Asian Banker Technology Innovation Award for Best Cloud Application 2017. The FinTech50, the annual list of Europe’s 50 hottest FinTechs, was the first list to feature FinTech companies selected for innovation rather than revenue. The international panel of expert judges evaluate over 1500 European companies and recognize those leading the transformation of financial services.

“We are delighted to have received these accolades against some tough competition,” celebrated Mambu CEO Eugene Danilkis. “Increased demand for and recognition of SaaS core engines like Mambu proves that cumbersome traditional systems are no longer meeting the needs of financial innovators or their customers. The key to thriving in the digital age is a lean, agile and adaptable operating model, enabled by technology with the same attributes.”

The Asian Banker Technology Innovation Awards acknowledge leadership in innovation. The awards recognise achievements and identify emerging best practices that are the benchmarks for future decision makers in vendor selection and implementation roadmaps. Winners are determined by thorough evaluation of submissions alongside research and interviews conducted by The Asian Banker Research team. Evidence of innovation is sought such as new concepts, new technologies or creative thinking that distinguishes the project and sets it apart.

Launched in 2011, Mambu notes that its platform has helped over 3 million clients in over 40 countries to start up new business ventures, transform existing operations, launch new products and expand into new markets and also provided (and continues to provide) financial institutions with the agility to design, launch, service and scale their banking and lending portfolios.

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