Gold Payment App CORO Receives Money Transmitter License in Mississippi & Announces Plans to Start Customer Onboarding

CORO, a U.S.-based gold payment app, announced on Tuesday it has received its money transmitter license in Mississippi. This news comes just days after CORO received its money transmitter license in Alabama. As previously reported, CORO has created a new financial payment system that allows gold to be used as a currency in everyday transactions and allows customers to send and receive global payments and exchange currency. 

“Our mission is to create a world where everyone has fair access to stable money, creating trust and cooperation across societies.”

CORO revealed it is now available to residents of Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Alaska, D.C., Delaware, Idaho, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington State, and Wisconsin. The company also noted it intends to release CORO in additional U.S. states over the coming months.

The approved Mississippi license authorizes Coro to transmit currency, monetary value, or payment instruments within Mississippi, as well as from the state to other jurisdictions. To obtain the license approvals, Coro was required to implement a rigorous compliance program and develop an advanced AML/KYC onboarding and monitoring system for anti-money laundering compliance, as well as a strict financial audit process.

J. Mark Goode, CEO of CORO, added:

“People may not know that gold can be used legally as money, or how to make it a part of their day-to-day transactions. That’s why we’ve made it as easy as downloading an app.”

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