The latest Mintos Risk Score updates based on developments and data from the third quarter of 2022 are now live on Mintos.
All details can be found “on the Mintos Risk Score Updates page.” An overview of historical changes in the Mintos Risk Score through the quarters is also “available as a spreadsheet on the updates page.”
The latest risk evaluation is based “on the third quarter of 2022, but also on some information sourced from the current payments status of the lending companies on Mintos.” The results are reflected “in the changes of the Mintos Risk Score and subscores for the loans available for investments within the Sets of Notes.” Additional information is “provided for significant changes of 0.8 or more to a subscore.”
When it comes to loans from the lending companies from Russia and Ukraine, their status remains “unchanged since the last update, with Mintos Risk Score and subscores withdrawn for these companies.”
The regular schedule for the Mintos Risk Score updates “is quarterly.” Exceptions will be made in some cases “when there is a significant material improvement or deterioration for specific Notes on the platform, in which case the changes are introduced as necessary.”
For custom automated strategies, if you’d like to adjust your investment preferences based on the most recent Mintos Risk Score updates, “you can do so in the strategy settings.”
The Mintos Risk Score is “an aggregate of four subscores that are assigned to four different aspects of particular loans underlying a Set of Notes.”
These subscores rate:
- loan portfolio performance (the portfolio health and historical performance of the loan book),
- loan servicer efficiency (the capabilities of the loan servicer when it comes to the collection of borrowers’ payments),
- buyback strength (the buyback obligor’s ability to fulfill contractual obligations, meet
- liquidity needs, and capital sufficiency), and
cooperation structure (the legal setup between the loan issuing company and Mintos).
According to the significance Mintos sees in each subscore, “the weights of the subscores are loan portfolio performance 40%, loan servicer efficiency 25%, buyback strength 25%, and legal structure 10%.”
The Mintos Risk Score “rates the risk level of a particular Note on a scale from 10.0 (low risk) to 1.0 (high risk). The calculated score is rounded to 1 decimal place.”
The Mintos Risk Score “can be withdrawn if one or more of the subscores is not available or simply when there are no loans available for investment from a specific lending company, and this is expressed with the value “Score Withdrawn” or (SW).”