Merchant Lynx Services, a “top fifty” merchant acquirer, is pleased to announce their acquisition of National Credit Card Processing Group (NCCP) as “part of the company’s strategic expansion.”
NCCP Group provides payment acceptance services and technology solutions “to the B2B sector.”
Their core verticals “are construction and heavy-duty trucking parts and repairs, concrete ready mix, asphalt and aggregate supply, and highway civil construction.”
NCCP Group claims that it “doubled its growth within the past two years.”
Merchant Lynx Services is an ISO with “a core focus on the hospitality and auto service verticals as well as many other fast growth SAAS businesses.”
The company has experienced growth organically and “via acquisitions with more acquisitions planned.”
John P. Kucyk, President and CEO of Merchant Lynx Services, said:
“This deal is a great example of the perfect strategic fit. It is always incredible to see high levels of motivation and excitement from both sides of a transaction up until and through closing. We are thrilled to bring NCCP under our umbrella and to capitalize on our expansion into the markets in which they have achieved great success.”
Peter Brickman, Founder and President, NCCP Group, said:
“This is an exciting deal in that NCCP Group will continue to focus on and serve these predominantly B2B industries that are vital to our nations’ infrastructure. Having Merchant Lynx Services’ strong technology offerings and superior customer support, we will be able to further strengthen our relationships with our industry partners and customer base.”
MAPP Advisors acted as advisor on the transaction. Jim Battista, Managing Partner, commented:
“MAPP Advisors prides itself on its advisory services that form lasting partnerships with win-win results. NCCP Group has been a growth leader in the construction and auto services verticals. Merchant Lynx Services is an established leader in the auto service vertical and will be able to immediately provide NCCP Group with new products to continue its success in these verticals as well as new ones. Both companies share a similar perspective on offering clients more products, technology and quick growth resources. MAPP Advisors looks forward to advising on the future endeavors of both companies.”
As noted in the update, Merchant Lynx Services has “provided merchant solutions and credit card payment programs for over 26 years.”
Family owned and privately held, the company is “headquartered in a 20,000-sf office in Palm Beach Gardens, which has won most beautiful workspaces.”
The office houses “over 90 employees in 8 departments.”
Merchant Lynx is reportedly “a top 50 Merchant Acquirer in the USA and processes close to $4 billion in transactions annually.”
The company claims it is “a top provider to the hospitality and auto service verticals and many other fast growth SAAS businesses. For more information on Merchant Lynx Services, visit”