DealMaker Shares September and October Funding Data

DealMaker, a broker-dealer specializing in online capital formation – mainly for exempt securities offerings, has shared some information on performance during the months of September and October.

While venture capital markets have been somewhat subdued, there has been anecdotal information that issuers raising money online are holding up pretty well.

According to DealMaker, issuers raised $41 million during the two months, with September recording approximately $15 million in investments and October moving higher at $25 million. Both months were higher than August, which booked $15 million.

As for the split by exemptions, DealMaker shared the following information:

  • Reg A = 63%
  • Reg CF = 27%
  • Reg D/other = 10%

As one may anticipate, California, Texas, and Florida led the rest of the states.

Nine issuers raised over $1 million, with the single biggest funding round being $11.6 million.

DealMaker is leveraging technology to help issuers streamline the capital-raising process with enhanced automation.

Under Reg CF, an issuer may raise up to $5 million, Reg A+ up to $75 million, and Reg D an unlimited amount of money but for Accredited Investors only.



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