Insurtech Kin Expands into Texas to Offer House and Property Insurance

Kin, the digital, direct-to-consumer home insurance company, has expanded into Texas and now offers House & Property insurance and mobile home insurance to residents of the Lone Star State.

Kin says the insurance crisis sweeping the Gulf Coast is spilling further into Texas, “providing affordable, necessary coverage in markets that are increasingly underserved.”

Texas endured a record-setting 16 catastrophic events in 2023, “with each costing at least $1 billion.”

This destruction has driven many insurers “into insolvency, or they’ve stopped covering vulnerable properties along the Texas coastline.”

These moves have forced thousands of property owners “to buy policies from a state-chartered insurance program – a situation that creates risk for Texas taxpayers should a major storm hit the state.”

For the insurers that remain, they’re “raising premiums at a fast clip.”

Texas residents saw an average premium “increase of 27% from May 2022 to May 2023 and, altogether, property insurance is 46% more expensive on average compared to two years ago.”

Sean Harper, CEO of Kin said:

“People are understandably frustrated when it comes to property insurance. Texas’ allure is undeniable, but the increasing intensity of mother nature has residents feeling unprotected in their homes. Texans are struggling to find insurance companies willing to write their homes, and rates are going up too. Texans deserve better, and we think we’re a company that can bring them the insurance experience they’re entitled to.”

Kin’s advantages are most relevant in “the 40% of the country that’s catastrophe exposed, including the most populous states like Texas.”

With tools like forward-looking weather models and AI-powered analysis, Kin gets more accurate readings on “how resilient individual properties will be to extreme weather.”

This approach ensures each policy “is priced accurately for the individual property rather than based on broader averages. It also incentivizes residents to proactively adapt their properties, reducing the likelihood of damage and lowering the overall cost of insurance for everyone.”

This transformative approach “sets Kin apart from traditional insurers.”

Harper added:

“The property insurance industry needs to be able to quickly respond to changes in climate, technology, and consumer preferences. By offering cost-efficient insurance to residents in catastrophe-prone areas and relying on sophisticated underwriting and pricing models, we play a key part in creating climate resilience and helping people feel protected against the elements.”


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