Brazil’s Central Bank Introduces Features to Identify Fraud Attempts Using Pix Aliases

Banco Central Do Brasil (BCB), the central bank of Brazil, recently announced that it launched a new report on Pix aliases.

Registrato users now reportedly “have access to the complete history of their Pix aliases, even those previously disabled.”

Starting Tuesday (April 2), Pix users will “have access to more detailed information about their Pix aliases.”

The Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) has officially introduced “a new report that is available to Registrato users.”

This report provides a complete history of their Pix aliases, “even those previously disabled. Now, citizens can consult two Pix reports on aliases.”

The first report on current aliases, “issued at the time of request, was already available in Registrato and has been improved.”

It now displays the exact time of creation and the status of each alias:

  • Active: the alias has been created and is working correctly;
  • Judicially blocked: the alias is currently blocked by a court order; once unblocked, it returns to the “active” status;
  • Under ownership claim or portability: There are two possibilities. First, when a user asserts ownership of an alias registered to another person—for instance if someone claims ownership of a phone number already registered by another user—the status will be labeled as ‘under ownership claim or portability’ in the report. The second scenario involves porting an alias from one bank to another, such as using your Individual Taxpayer Register (CPF) as the alias. Again, in this case, the status will appear as ‘under ownership claim or portability.’

The second report discloses complete information on Pix aliases. Along with all data on the current aliases, the document displays “the history of all those once used and disabled by the user, with the date and time of deletion.”

The report is made “available two business days after the user’s request.”

These new features allow citizens “to identify fraud attempts using their aliases.”

You may review / access the two Pix reports on aliases and other Registrato reports through the official BCB site.

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