Wealthtech Addepar Reports Strong Q1 2024, Releases Research on Managing Exposure to Innovative Technologies

Inside Addepar, a quarterly update of Addepar platform developments, research insights and client, partner and company announcements has been released.

Addepar says that it just “completed a strong first quarter, building on their momentum from 2023 and setting the stage for an even stronger 2024.”

Addepar notes in a blog post that they “automated bill tracking and reconciliation and enabled you to make edits to your ownership map, directly within the module.”

Addepar Research published a report “on managing exposure to breakthrough technologies like ChatGPT in collaboration with Stanford’s Research Initiative on Long-Term Investing, and we spotlight new integrations with Asset-Map, Orca and WealthHub.”

Addepar’s approach to portfolio modeling remains focused and strategic, “defining complex ownership structures in a hierarchical view that enables you to click down into individual holdings or collapse entire portfolios.”

Addepar says that it started 2024 by “making the ownership map more powerful.”

Now clients can use the map “as a visual guide to edit ownership faster and with fewer mistakes. Create, link and unlink entities without leaving the page, and those edits will be immediately reflected across the entire application.”

Addepar now reconciles fees “for you every hour, simplifying the billing process so you can focus on the exceptions. For every Bill to Account, bills will get marked as paid when a received account fee matches the bill within one cent.”

Addepar clients can review the Release Notes “for details on latest product updates.”

Many investors are considering “how new technologies – including ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI – may impact their portfolios.”

Addepar Research, in partnership with Stanford’s Research Initiative on Long-Term Investing, released a study of “how professional investors manage such tech disruption risks and opportunities.”

Addepar is also  pleased to share new partnerships with Asset-Map, Orca and WealthHub.

As explained in a blog post, Asset-Map creates reports “that visualize all of a household’s members, entities, financial assets, liabilities, cash flows and insurance policies, providing a straightforward way to quickly address gaps in a financial plan and uncover new opportunities.”

Orca is an intelligent software application “built to help anyone who owns, manages or supports an ownership structure to gather, visualize and share legal, tax and compliance data.”

WealthHub’s fiduciary management solution “integrates investment data and reporting with automated workflow, contact management and prospecting, task scheduling, document management, and compliance.”

Addepar further noted that they announced Bob Pisani is now Addepar’s Chief Technology Officer, “leading global engineering teams to deliver ambitious, client-centric innovations.”

Bob brings decades of deep hands-on engineering and financial services expertise “to accelerate business and drive client growth on a global scale. Learn more about his appointment here.”

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