UnaFinancial Announces Total Platform Assets Reaching $125.4M, Up By 10.4% YoY

UnaFinancial, the parent company of the Robocash investment platform, announced an upcoming release of the audited special purpose consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.

The financial statements have been prepared in “accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and audited by Grant Thornton.”

Key highlights:

  • Total assets reach USD 125.4 M, up by 10.4% YoY;
  • Total equity reaches USD 10.2 M, a slight short-term decrease of 7.3% YoY due to the effect of translation reserve;
  • Interest income and commission income for the full year amounts to USD 192.2 M, representing 16.1% growth compared to the previous year;
  • The FY 2023 net profit stands at USD 0.1 M.

Natalia Ishchenko, CEO of UnaFinancial said:

“The short-term decrease in earnings incurred last year is due to numerous investments in new projects, as well as the strategic decision to sell our business in Vietnam in light of the economic risks and the current market climate. Still, the management’s strategy already begins to yield positive results and strong financial outcomes, with a net profit of USD 3.7 M for the first 4 months of 2024.”

The Group management will provide “more details on the 2023 results and business plans at the next webcast on May 30 at 14:00 CEST.”

Throughout April, Robocash says they reportedly saw steady growth in new registrations and investment volumes.

While sharing other updates, Robocash says they have revised the User Agreement, giving it more transparency.

Robocash also made minor updates to the Privacy Policy and added the AML-statement. Nothing has changed “in terms of rules and platform usage.”

You can review all the current documents in the documents section of the platform’s official site. While sharing their comments on market overview, Robocash says the projected investment returns this year are based on the “calculated real returns that P2P investments can generate in 2024 and what they can compete with.”

Loan originators behind P2P Platforms

In the consumer P2P sector, most platforms work “with third-party creditors.” They’ve revealed how these lenders are spread out geographically.

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