OurCrowd Portfolio Company Cyabra Publishes Report on Fake Social Media Posts Targeting Presidential Election

Cyabra, a proactive artificial intelligence solution designed to sniff out fake news and other bogus information, such as fake profiles, has posted a report on the forthcoming Presidential election and the activity of fake campaigns targeting the Biden and Trump campaigns.

According to the report, 13% of the X (Twitter) accounts are engaged in discussions on the upcoming election. This information was culled from a sample taken from March 1 to May 3 this year.

Of the conversations with the nefarious profiles, 15% of accounts praising Trump and criticizing Biden were fake.

The alternative, when profiles said nice things about Joe Biden while slamming Donald Trump, 7% were fake.

Bots, an ongoing problem at X, were said to have created 10.666k pieces of content, “indicating a significant effort to spread certain narratives or disinformation during the election period.”

Cyabra shares that from April 15 -25, 2024, there was a “noticeable spike in bot activity on social media, specifically peaking sharply around April 19th and 20th.” This was around the start of the Trump trial.

Below is one example of a pro-Trump account that the report alleges is fake:



Below is one account that supports Joe Biden the report claims is fake as well.


There are other examples of alleged fake profiles seeking to influence the elections.

While everyone knows that social media is a cesspool of fakery and general douchebaggery, too many people assume they are conversing with a real person instead of a Chinese bot or a real person working in a room in Southeast Asia. Social media posts that aim to inflame and drive discord amongst the population are a chronic issue. While all social media platforms are trying to stem fake accounts, Cyabar sees an opportunity for a business, as these platforms fall short in stopping fraudulent accounts.

Global investment crowdfunding platform OurCrowd has enabled almost $5 million in funding for Cyabra in three previous rounds. According to the offering page, Cyabra has clients like Mediacorp, CDP, Terilogy, the US Department of State, and other unnamed public sector entities.

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