Division of Enforcement, Crypto Assets And Cyber Unit Chief Departs SEC

The head of the Crypto Assets and Cyber Unit within the SEC’s Division of Enforcement has exited the agency.

David Hirsch posted on LinkedIn earlier today (June 17, 2024) that last Friday was his last day at the SEC after 9 years at the securities regulator.

Hirsch stated:

“While it is hard to leave an agency that has given me so much, I am very excited for the next set of challenges. I look forward to sharing more about that soon, but for now I’m excited for a break and travel with my family before my son heads to college in the fall.”

Hirsch did not disclose any future plans.

Hirsch earned his JD at UCLA and then clerked at the US District Court for the Southern District of California. He became an SEC enforcement attorney in 2015 and emerged as Chief of the Crypto unit in 2022. Hirsch was frequently mentioned as part of the many enforcement actions against crypto firms.

As the SEC has been aggressive in pursuing crypto scofflaws, Hirsch would have gained unique insight into the world of crypto and the perspective of digital asset enforcement. One would anticipate that Hirsch’s skills will be in big demand either at a big law firm or a leading crypto platform.

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