Digital Payments Fintech Shares Research Findings on Growing Spending Power of Generation Alpha

A study released recently, How consumer behaviour shapes the digital economy, by, a digital payments firm, has highlighted the consumer buying behavior which is powering the digital economy.

The research, carried out across the United Kingdom, US, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and China, reveals a number of trends, including the growing spending power of Generation Alpha.

Children aged 8-15 years old (Generation Alpha) are driving over a quarter (27%) of their household’s non-essential monthly spend, “rising to nearly a third of monthly spend for digital purchases, as 29% of Millennial parents take responsibility for purchasing digital products each month for their children.”

This comes as digital products and services make up over “a fifth (21%) of the average global household spend. ”

Generation Alpha’s purchase influence is greatest in online educational resources, which nearly “half (47%) of parents purchase for their children, followed by entertainment streaming, purchased by a third (30%) of parents globally.”

The study also noted several regional trends in parents buying digital goods and services for their children.

Over a quarter (28%) of Millennials globally pay for monthly e-gaming services for their children, “rising to half (47%) of parents in the UAE.”

Parental spend on e-gaming is lowest in the US but this is offset by “a third (33%) of children in the US making e-gaming purchases independently each month.”

Chinese children benefit most from educational purchases, with 59% of Millennial parents in China buying monthly digital educational resources for children “under 12, and over 22% purchasing news media subscriptions for them.”

Meanwhile parents in the UK spend significantly on online education for their children (39%) and are the most likely to continue to “purchase monthly online education for their teenagers.”

Apart from being the beneficiaries of their parents’ spending, children are also spending independently in the digital economy:

  • A third (33%) of children in the US (aged 8-15 years) commonly make in-app purchases with their pocket-money.
  • In the United Kingdom, 71% of children are making their own purchases for non-essential items by the time they are 15, with cards cited as their preferred payment method.
  • 75% of 8-year-olds and 92% of 15-year-olds in the UAE make payments themselves, rather than via a grown up.
  • There’s also a growing trend of children over 13 using Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) as a payment method in the US (7%), UAE (11%), and China (19%). This figure is less than 1% in the UK, however.
  • In China, 65% of 15-year-olds are taking their purchases into their own hands, with social commerce being their most frequent shopping channel (51%) and QR codes (39%) and digital wallets (39%) their preferred payment methods.
  • Social commerce is already a major shopping channel in China, with nearly half (46%) of all adult Chinese consumers purchasing via social channels. In the UK (24%), USA (17%) and UAE (23%) this is currently a less common channel amongst adults, however children around the world use social media as the go-to source for finding out about deals on products, with very little regional variation (UK: 48%, US: 57%, China:
  • 56%, UAE: 41%). Further, social commerce is the most common shopping channel, globally, for Gen Zs in all countries, with only just over one-third (35%) of Gen Zs regularly shopping in physical stores.

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