Plume Network, the first full-stack L1 RWA Chain for RWAfi (Real World Asset Finance), announced its partnership with Whinfell Partners LLC to introduce a range of “institutional-grade” credit instruments and diversified yield-bearing assets to its ecosystem.
Leveraging Plume’s flagship staking protocol Nest, Whinfell will bring sophisticated assets and “strategies to Plume’s ever growing user base, starting with Carlyle, Pimco, and Simplify ETFs that will be made available to early users of Nest in its RWA vault.”
Whinfell’s expertise will provide users “access to previously hard-to-reach financial products with enhanced transparency and efficiency.”
The partnership will feature a variety of structured credit instruments designed to provide stable returns while “maintaining rigorous compliance and auditing standards.”
Wes Thornburgh, Partner at Whinfell said:
“By partnering with Plume Network, we’re taking a significant step in democratizing access to institutionally suitable financial products. Our goal is to provide users on Nest with a secure and streamlined way to access less correlated yield-bearing assets.”
Nest’s vaults on Plume network will feature Whinfell’s selection of public and private credit strategies, “available only to users on Plume.”
The firm’s partners – Wes and Clark Thornburgh – draw on their decades of experience with firms such “as AXA Investment Management and JP Morgan to create onchain products that tap into their $5B exclusive asset pipeline.”
This vault and many others are made possible by Whinfell’s partnership with Plural, a tokenization protocol and brokerage “that runs on top of Plume’s infrastructure.”
Plume’s RWAfi ecosystem will be instrumental in “helping Whinfell effectively launch and manage their tokenized offerings, providing the necessary infrastructure to support their entry into the blockchain market.”
This collaboration not only enhances the user experience but also sets “a new benchmark for integrating traditional finance with blockchain innovation.”
As noted in the update, Whinfell Partners LLC is an asset manager and consultant focused “on digital assets, digital yield and onchain real world assets (RWA).”
Their professionals have an average of “over 25 years of institutional financial experience gained from Allstate, AXA, Jefferies, JP Morgan, Lazard, MetLife, and other world class organizations.”
Whinfell specializes in credit, risk management, and “environmental project finance (including voluntary carbon credits and tax credits).”
Working with family and institutional clients, they provide “services ranging from portfolio design to monetization of illiquid assets to analytics.”