All investing entails risk. For investors, it is a process of balancing risk versus reward, where riskier investments are expected to generate better returns over time. For private securities offerings in early-stage ventures, available on investment crowdfunding platforms, these ventures incorporate a higher degree of risk for investors, yet data indicates that private securities can generate better returns on a portfolio basis.
On May 17th, 2023, at 1 PM ET, Crowdfund Insider will host a webinar featuring several experts to discuss intrinsic risk in a private securities offering. Panetlists include:
Jamie Ostow – Chief Administrative Officer and Partner at Crowdcheck.
Ostrow helps start-ups in the process of raising capital online, including the legal requirements. This includes due diligence disclosures, including under Regulation CF, Regulation A, Regulation D, and Regulation S, broker-dealer issues, and general corporate law issues and governance. Crowdcheck is a top firm for Reg A+ issuers and the SEC qualification process.
David Carpentier – co-founder and CEO of Assurely.
Assurely is a high-growth Insurtech that delivers insurance for innovative companies including for issuers and platforms in the securities crowdfunding sector. Assurely created its TigerMark product for companies raising capital online – the first insurance product of its kind.
Etan Butler – Chairman of the Dalmore Group.
Dalmore Group is one of the most active Broker-Dealers in the world for Regulation A+ securities offerings. Dalmore also provides services for Reg CF, Reg D and Reg S issuers.
Rebecca Kacaba – CEO of DealMaker
Dealmaker is a top tech-infused platform for online securities offers providing a portfolio of services. Dealamker is also a broker dealer and supports offers securities under Reg CF, Reg A+, Reg D, and Reg S.
Register for the free webinar here.