Getting a business loan from a bank is getting more difficult today as many banks are reducing their risk and turning business loans away. Investment crowdfunding allows firms to raise debt capital, not just equity or other securities, online.
Interest in raising debt capital, either as a bank replacement loan or a debt offering tied to an asset, has become more popular in the past months as interest rates are going through the roof with no end in sight. Some investors are interested in the lower risk profile of debt compared to equity – especially now that interest rates are no longer zero, providing better returns. Companies may utilize Reg CF and Reg A+, as well as other exemptions, to raise money from investors in an online debt security offering from both accredited and non-accredited investors.
On November 8th at 1 PM ET, Crowdfund Insider will host a webinar with Dalmore and Phoenix Capital Group to discuss online debt offerings.
Etan Butler, Chairman of the Dalmore Group – a regulated broker-dealer that specializes in raising money online, will provide his perspective on debt offerings and how his platform can help companies raise money online.
Matt Willer, Managing Director of Phoenix Capital Group, will share his experience in a debit offering for oil and gas development.
The webinar is free to attend, and you may register there.