Tagged: alzheimers

Seth Rogen Participates in Crowdrise Holiday Challenge to Raise Funds For His Alzheimer’s Organization Hilarity for Charity

Seeking support for the battle against the disease, Alzheimer’s, Knocked Up star Seth Rogen has joined forces with Crowdrise to raise funds for his charity organization Hilarity for Charity during the Crowdrise Holiday Challenge. Hilarity for Charity is an organization that takes a new approach to fighting… Read More

Indiegogo Success uBiome Returns to Raise $50,000 For Dental Genome Kit

uBiome is launching the “world’s first” dental citizen science crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo two years after it made history with a record-breaking campaign to sequence the human microbiome. Raising over $350,000 from over 2,500 participants in 2013, the biotech startup sparked the era of microbiome-based personalized… Read More

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