Chain (XCN) is now available on cryptocurrency trading platform Okcoin. You may now deposit XCN tokens on Okcoin. All Okcoin customers “except for residents of the EU, the UK, Singapore, and Brunei” may take advantage of this offer. Deposits are “live as of July 19.”… Read More
The Bank of England has published an update on their FinTech Accelerator program announcing the latest cohort of proofs of concepts along with a status report. The news shared as part of a speech by Andrew Hauser, Executive Director for Banking, Payments and Financial Resilience delivered… Read More
Reports came out during the holiday season last year of banks quietly stocking up on blockchain patents. Banks will compete with startups making the same moves. They will also compete for patents with trolls who suppress innovation. The future of blockchain innovation depends on who… Read More
“We believe in the power of blockchain technology to transform how financial assets are transferred, but it has to be done with the right partners to insure it gets off the ground,” Adam Ludwin, CEO of Chain said in an interview with the WSJ. It feels like everything… Read More
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