Tagged: dta

EU and Singapore Sign Digital Trade Agreement

Described as a “landmark” event, the European Union (EU) and Singapore have inked a Digital Trade Agreement (DTA). The EU states that the goal is to emerge as a global standard setter for digital trade rules. The DTA is said to complement the existing 2019… Read More

Australia’s Digital Transformation Agency Says its New Digital Identity System will Verify Users to Access Wide Range of Online Services

The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has been focused on developing the Australian digital identity system, so that locals can access essential government services in a simple and secure manner. The new digital identity platform will allow individuals and Australian companies to verify their identities through… Read More

After $700 000 in Research, Australian Digital Transformation Agency Determines Blockchain Not Yet Outperforming Existing Technology

After spending $700 000 Australian dollars investigating the industrial potential of blockchain, Australia’s Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has determined that current versions of the tech are “interesting” but in no way better than other systems, ZDNet reports. DTA Chief Digital Officer Peter Alexander reportedly told Senate… Read More

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