Tagged: mike bodson

Digital Assets: The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation Looks to Blockchain to Improve Public & Private Markets

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), the platform that provides clearing and settlement services to the financial services markets, says it plans to “explore the benefits of digitalization in the public and private markets.” DTCC is looking to leverage blockchain or distributed ledger technology… Read More

Senior Executives at the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) Sound Off on 2020

Senior Executives from the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) have provided reflections on what we might expect regarding financial market infrastructures in 2020. The DTCC is a market infrastructure provider that automates, centralizes and standardizes the processing of financial transactions. It’s responsibilities include, “settling trading… Read More

Blythe Masters, CEO of Digital Assets, Hands Over CEO Role to AG Gangadhar

Blythe Masters, the CEO of software engineering firm DigitalAssets, has stepped down from her leadership role in the firm due to “personal reasons.” AG Gangadhar will immediately assume the position of acting CEO. Masters has been CEO since 2015 and has an accomplished resume of experience… Read More

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