Tagged: saranga sudarshan

Frost & Sullivan: AUS Ripe for Fintech Opportunities, Welcomes Biometric Security, Blockchain, AI ICT Companies

Frost & Sullivan views Australia’s development as a leader in Fintech innovation will require concerted effort from government agencies and established financial institutions and will involve partnerships and research collaboration between banks and startups, presenting many diverse and lucrative growth and development opportunities for ICT… Read More

Frost & Sullivan: Fintech Market Growth to Add A$1B New Value to Australian Economy by 2020

Frost & Sullivan’s latest study, “Fintech in Australia – Trends, Forecasts and Analysis 2015 – 2020” forecasts that the Australian Fintech Sector will grow at a CAGR of 76.36% and reach A$4.2 billion by 2020; of which A$1 billion will be completely new added value to… Read More

Frost & Sullivan: Australia’s Future $4B Fintech Market Offers Lucrative Opportunities and Profits

Resisting Fintech disruption amounts to a loss of $13 billion in aggregated revenues, according to Frost & Sullivan The Australian Banking sector is heavily regulated to prevent monopolies and collapses, and is guided by the Four Pillars Policy of the Australian Government which maintains the viability and separation of… Read More

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