Tagged: whiskydirectinvestment

AngelsDen Recognizes Best Crowdfunded Deals of 2015

AngelsDen has been on a steady trajectory of growth for the past several years. The migration from analogue funding to digitally raising money online appears to be doing rather well.  In 2015, AngelsDen raised approximately £11 million for 60 deals with the backing of 13,000 investors…. Read More

Angels Den Raises Capital for WhiskyInvestDirect, Whisky Crowdfunding Platform

Angels Den is raising capital for a new niche crowdfunding site, WhiskyInvestDirect. The live investment offer for the new funding portal wants to capitalize on a consumable that has seen an average annual return of 5% since 1980. WhiskyInvestDirect was founded by Paul Tustain and Rupert… Read More

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