Crowdfunding as Entertainment.
Kickstarter has announced a new method of viewing crowdfunding on their platform: Video Mode. A statement on Kickstarter indicated they had been “blown away” by the high caliber of video pitches they have experienced on their site. They specifically mentioned, Allison Weiss, Inman Park Squirrel Census and the Oh hey, I didn’t see you there videos.
And so we are happy to announce Video Mode, a new way for you to discover projects on Kickstarter. It’s really simple: a full-screen presentation where you can watch every single live project video.
Sit back, relax, and shuffle through. If you like what you see, click the “Explore this Project” button and read what it’s all about. Not interested? Jump to “something different,” or see what projects are happening in a particular location.
The experience is actually very cool. You can surf from project to project. Kickstarter really out did themselves on this one as it delivers an incredibly serendipitous experience to the visitor. Crowdfunding as entertainment. And yes the videos are for the most part, very good and very professional.
The Oh Hey, I Didn’t See You There videos from Kickstarter is below