Crowdfunding Podcast & Video Series By Richard Bliss

richard bliss funding the dreamRichard Bliss is a successful Kickstarter alumnus, having launched three successful Kickstarter projects in the past. He consulted on a handful of other successful projects. He’s a crowdfunding expert, speaker and the producer of two series everyone in the space should know about.

Bliss’s viewpoint is colored by his background as a tabletop gamer and backer of various tabletop gaming projects on Kickstarter. He’s backed 75 projects, many being tabletop games. This category of projects does very well on Kickstarter. The games category is the most funded category on Kickstarter.

The first series is the “Funding The Dream” podcast, which is now over 140 episodes long. That leaves a lot of catching up for those new to the series, but episodes are well worth a listen. Bliss interviews project creators and gets their take on how to be successful in a crowdfunding campaign. Everything has a decided focus on Kickstarter, but these principles can be applied to all forms of crowdfunding and all platforms.

The second series is his “Crowdfunding Academy” video series, a short 21 video series that covers the basics of a crowdfunding campaign. Although it is meant to present basic information, Bliss does cover a lot of the subjects that are often overlooked in crowdfunding campaigns, particularly those regarding messaging and marketing.

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