Fee-Free Crowdfunding Platform Crowdvance Launches Team Fundraising Feature

crowdvance-logoCrowdvance has announced a new feature on their crowdfunding platform that allows teams to raise funds in unison. Crowdvance will support parent and child fundraisers. Child fundraisers can launch standalone crowdfunding campaign pages that borrow some features from the parent page while still allowing the child fundraiser to customize his or her pitch.

Up until today, only the organization leader, and in our new verbiage, “Parent Fundraiser”, could exist on our platform. But we have always thought as a company that everyone should be involved in the fundraising process. Now, with this new feature on our platform, everyone can fundraise.

Each child fundraiser has the permission to do the following:

  • Have their own, unique fundraising page that they can send their friends and family to so that they can donate through the Child Fundraiser’s page.
  • Can edit their fundraising page except for the cover photo which comes from the Parent Fundraiser page.
  • Can add a profile photo to be displayed on their Child Fundraiser page.
  • Can log-in to their own account to track donations and see/export their donor history.

It is important to emphasize that all of the money raised by each Child Fundraiser goes to the parent account! 

Thinking about the approach, one thing it could result in is healthy competition among teams. If ten people launch a crowdfunding page for the same cause, those ten people could essentially compete to be the top fundraiser. Money never has to change hands as all funds are dumped into the parent fundraiser’s account.

Crowdvance is a fee-free platform subsidized in part by funding from large companies that use the platform as an opportunity to sponsor hundreds or thousands of small organizations across the country.

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