The Ashden Awards take place every year and recognize leaders in a collective effort to reduce carbon emissions and affect ecology in a positive way. This year, UK-based Abundance Generation has been named a finalist for the award for their work in funding and financing sustainable energy projects.
“Our first couple of years have been phenomenally exciting,” said Karl Harder, co-founder and Joint Managing Director of Abundance Generation. “Having raised over £5 million from 1,100 individuals we’ve so far financed seven renewable energy projects across the country. We believe public participation is the key to securing a sustainable future, and enabling that is at the core of our mission. To have this success recognised by Ashden is fantastic as we look to grow over the coming years. We all know how much there is to do, but there is very real demand for positive investments in renewable energy, as people realise making a return doesn’t mean compromising their children’s future.”
The awards ceremony will be held at the Royal Geographical Society in London on May 22nd, 2014