Cheryl Shuman has launched of a cannabis business crowdfunding platform dedicated to helping companies raise capital for Marijuana associated projects. CannaDabbaDoo wants to create a business crowdfunding platform that enables companies to raise capital from investors, customers, and friends.
Cheryl Shuman, is a self described cannabis expert and founder of the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club. Her agency boasts a solid roster of A list stars including: Tome Cruise, Madonna, Demi Moore and many others. In 2006 her personal battle with cancer led her to use Marijuana as a therapeutic treatment. The associated publicity led to an entirely new business line. With an increasing number of states legalizing usage of the plant, Cheryl believes there is unique opportunity in the new “budding” industry.
Cheryl commented on her new venture;
“Marijuana is the investment opportunity of our lifetime. Each and every day I get to play matchmaker to investors and cannabis related businesses. Everybody from entrepreneurs who love cannabis and want to put $25,000 to $50,000 to work, all the way up to billionaires and venture capital funds are interested in investing in the green rush. The business of Marijuana clearly shows that the American Dream is still possible for entrepreneurs.”
The legal marijuana market is estimated to grow 64% to $2.34 billion in 2014 from $1.44 billion. Research clearly shows that investors are ready to dive in. Investing in marijuana is becoming mainstream. Cheryl Shuman estimates she generated $537 million worth of earned media having an impact on shifting the course of overall public opinion.
“I love referring to our business development company as the “Pot Com Boom.” We are witnessing and making history on the front lines building an entire new industry around the world with the USA leading the way. Just like the “Dot Com Boom,” the early adopters and investors that get in now will be the Billionaires of the industry in the very near future. At Cheryl Shuman Inc., our business development division matches entrepreneurs with funding. We are the pioneers blazing the trail,” explains Shuman.
CannaDabbaDoo is one of the first platforms for cannabis business crowdfunding. The company states they “take relationships very seriously”. Cheryl has been described as the “Martha Stewart of Marijuana” – and clearly wants to further that theme.
“I’m thrilled to help build these new companies and watch millionaires in the making working with them on their media, branding and political strategies as they go through the crowdfunding process,” states Shuman.
CannaDabbaDoo is software as a service crowdfunding (SaaS) platform.