CoolMiniOrNot Returns to Kickstarter With New Board Game Zombicide; Black Plague; Scores Over $1.2M In Less Than Two Days

Zombicide- Black Plague 1They have returned! Creator of the highly addictive ZombicideCoolMiniOrNot, has launched their eighteenth crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise $100,000 for Zombicide: Black Plague on June 8th. Less than 48 hours into the new initiative, the project has successfully raised over $1.2 million thanks to 8,100 backers.

Zombicide: Black Plague is described as a standalone cooperative boardgame for 1 to 6 players that brings the relentless zombie-killing action of Zombicide into a brand new fantasy setting. It has new survivors, new zombies, new equipment, and revamped rules.

The board game’s creators stated:

“Players control a party of survivors as they fight to rid the land of an invasion of zombies controlled by the game itself. Survivors find weapons, learn spells, battle zombies, and gain experience. The more experienced they get, the more powerful they become, but the more zombies rise to face them!”

Zombicide- Black Plague 2The new game is pretty similar to the original: Each survivor in Zombicide: Black Plague receives a quality plastic dashboard to keep them organized. A built-in sliding arrow tracks experience gains, and plastic pegs mark wounds and indicate new skills. Finally, multiple slots hold all your cards, making the new inventory system intuitive and structured.

Each card’s symbol indicates the slot where it’s used. Weapons and magic spells must be equipped in-hand. Armor must be worn on the body. Special items can be stashed in your backpack. Each survivor has various equipment specializations, which allows them to equip a particular card on the body slot, and still have it instantly accessible.

Zombicide- Black Plague 4New to the Zombicide series is the introduction to armor. Any survivor wearing armor (or carrying a shield) has a chance of blocking multiple zombie attacks with a lucky roll. Unfortunately, the armor does not help against the ultimate villain of the game, Abomination.

As part of the downside of the survivors (but super cool storyline twist) the zombie hordes shuffling around alleys were raised by powerful necromancers. When these terrifying characters enter the board, even more zombies spawn every round. Instead of mindlessly chasing survivors, the necromancers will try to escape and spread more dread across the board. If they’re not eliminated quickly, the zombies only gets worse.

Zombicide- Black Plague 6

Items included in the game are 9 double-sided game tiles; 71 miniatures; 6 survivor plastic dashboards, color bases, and ID Cards; 48 plastic trackers; 6 dice; 125 cards; 63 token; 1 Rulebook.

The campaign is set to close on July 6th.




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