On Monday, Ys Net Inc, represented by video game designer and producer, Yu Suzuki, launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise $2 million for the production of highly anticipated Shenmue III. Within less than two days of its launch, the initiative successfully surpassed its initial goal.
Shenmue III is described as the true sequel to the classic open world action RPG games, Shenmue and Shenmue II. The game’s story reads:
“Ryo Hazuki has made his way to China in search of his father’s killer. There he meets a new travelling companion, Shenhua, and learns of a legend from her village that has foretold their path together. The story continues as Ryo and Shenhua start off on a new journey that will take them farther into enemy territory, deeper into mystery, and ever closer to their destiny.”
Recalling what caused him to turn to Kickstarter for funding, Suzuki stated:
“Since the release of Shenmue II, now 14 years ago, I have been greeted by the passionate outpouring of dedicated fans and Shenmue community members wherever I go. They all want to know one thing: ‘When will Shenmue III be coming out?’ With the advent of games using Kickstarter during these past few years, the new and now frequent demand from the fans has been, ‘Do a Kickstarter for Shenmue III!’”
“If Shenmue 3 was going to get made, I wanted to make it with the fans. Through Kickstarter, I knew that could happen. Together, with Shenmue fans everywhere, I knew we could build the game that the series deserves.”
During the E3 Sony Press Conference, Suzuki confirmed that he is behind the new Kickstarter. The Shenmue team then wrote an update:
“Yes, this is Kickstarter for Shenmue III, let there be no doubt! Fans everywhere have called for this day, and now the time has finally come. It has been an emotional few hours already, and we have just started! But first! Shout outs to Shenmue fans everywhere!
“Your love, passion and dedication are the real reasons we are here. With a cliffhanger like that, every day was a lifetime not knowing what would happen next. But those lifetimes took on a world of their own, giving birth to a creative, energetic, and thriving community. And hilarious. Don’t want to forget hilarious.
“Yu Suzuki still needs your help though, if Shenmue 3 is going to be the full-on Shenmue experience you have dreamed of. Share the project with every-one/thing/place you know! Random people on the street? Let ‘em know. Sailors in bars? Let ‘em know. Kickstarter vs. Shenmue 3 is the match of the century, so let’s get it on!
“The fight starts now. Your backing and support will make Shenmue 3 all it can be. Pledging now will make the game better for everyone. There is no prize for coming late to the duck races. This is the big chance to give what we love to everyone around the world!”
Shenmue III’s campaign has gained over $2.5 million from 32,000 backers. It is scheduled to be released in December 2017 on PC and PlayStation4.
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