At Behest of White House, Kickstarter Raises Funds for UN Refugee Agency. Now Over $440,000

Kickstarter UNHCR A McConnell

Kickstarter is working with the White House once again. This time the project is a bit different though.

Two weeks ago, the White House reached out to Kickstarter and asked if their platform could be utilized to aid in the refugee crisis that is besetting Europe – and the world. The strife in Syria,  and the challenges of ISIS has devolved into a quagmire that has forced tens of thousands to flee; for safety and a better life. At the White House’s invitation, Kickstarter is now raising money, in conjunction with the UN Refugee Agency, to deliver assistance for those in need.

“We immediately told them yes — and at their invitation, Kickstarter is working with the UN Refugee Agency to raise awareness, raise funds, and deliver aid to those in need of it. We’ve all seen the images of people fleeing for safety with nowhere to go and precious few resources. It’s not a crisis that can be solved overnight, but a strong outpouring of support can provide crucial assistance to people who need it.

The rewards are all about giving, not getting. And we’ll be donating 100% of our usual fee to support these aid efforts. Even a little support can give a family dry clothes, fresh water, or a place to sleep — those small things that become everything as soon as you’ve lost them.”

As of this moment, over 7700 backers have pitched in. The total amount donated stands at over $440,000. While a drop in the bucket as to what is truly needed, every little bit helps of course. Minus a small 2% credit card fee, it should all end up with the UNHCR.

Having topped the first goal of $100,000, goal two at $735,000 is within sight. Kickstarter estimates that this money may help 3000 people with immediate necessities and a place to sleep.


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