Kickstarter Teams Up With Skillshare Create Classes Taught By Campaign Creators

On Monday, Kickstarter announced it formed a partnership with learning community Skillshare to create a list of classes taught by creators across the crowdfunding platform’s 15 categories. 

Kickstarter 3The crowdfunding platform gave a few examples of classes, which are listed below.

1. Strategic Storytelling: Building Community Around Your Creative Project: Taught by Kickstarter’s director of community education, Stephanie Pereira, the class explains how to get backers excited about a creative project. Stephanie talks about the following steps:

  • Identifying your goals and audience
  • Writing key messages
  • Relationship building (before you need it!)
  • Developing a communication plan

2. Personal Brand Manifesto: Who Do You Think You Are?: Designer and author Adam J. Kurtz guides those who participate it the class through 5 quick exercises to help campaigners re-focus and renew the direction for themselves and their career.

Each of these simple exercises will get you thinking about what really matters to you — setting the foundation for your creative decisions going forward. We’ll hang out together and talk about how crazy life gets sometimes as you work through the 5 steps.”

Kickstarter3. An Insightful Guide to Becoming a FreelancerInspired by Monika Kanokova’s book, This Year Will be Different: An Insight Guide to Becoming a Freelancer, this class will explain how to use the social web to step up and grow a career as a freelance creative.

This class is perfect for creative professionals who want to start a freelance business. No prior knowledge or experience required! By the end of this class, you’ll know what steps to take to make a living as a freelance designer, writer, consultant or any other professional who wants to get their foot into the professional world of the creative industries.”

4. Storytelling Fundamentals: Character, Conflict, Context, Craft: Urban fantasy writer Daniel José Older now offers a 40-minute class that explores the fundamentals of narrative storytelling. He will share details about the following:

  • The “4 C’s” of storytelling: character, conflict, context, and craft 
  • Breaking down how each “C” works in Older’s short story, Salsa Nocturna 
  • Tools and questions to ask yourself as you’re developing your own story 

To see the rest of the classes, click here.

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