Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance is Conducting Three Different Fintech Surveys

cambridge-university-uk-kings-collegeThe Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) is in the midst of a research push. The CCAF is in the midst of not one, but three different surveys on the alternative finance ecosystem.

Late last year, the CCAF announced a unique partnership with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to assist in its review of crowdfunding regulations. As part of this effort the CCAF is working with the 25 leading crowdfunding / P2P lending platforms in the UK and they are requesting both investors and borrowers/fundraisers to participate.

For investors, the Centre has created five different surveys to capture feedback on how investors make investment decisions.

For borrowers/fundraisers, the Centre is interested to better understand why you are using alternative finance instead of a more traditional funding approach.

The final survey is part of a new initiative regarding a Global Blockchain Benchmarking study.  The Centre would like to better understand how cryptocurrencies (IE Bitcoin) and blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) are being used today.

All of this research is anonymous and will be made publicly available. By participating you are also helping public authorities, including regulators, better comprehend the benefits of alternative finance.

We encourage UK individuals to participate in applicable surveys.

For Investors

Complete the ‘P2P Business Lending’ survey

Complete the ‘Equity Crowdfunding’ survey

Complete the ‘Real Estate Crowdfunding (non-P2P)’ survey

Complete the ‘P2P Consumer Lending’ survey

Complete the ‘P2P Property Lending’ survey

For borrowers / Fundraisers

Complete the ‘P2P Business Lending’ survey

Complete the’P2P Consumer Lending’ survey

Complete the’P2P Property Lending’ survey

Complete the ‘Equity Crowdfunding’ survey

Complete the ‘Real Estate Crowdfunding (non-P2P)’ survey

For Blockchain / Cryptocurrencies

Complete the ‘Money Transfer and Cryptocurrency Payments’ survey 

Complete the ‘Cryptocurrency Mining’ survey

Complete the ‘Wallet and Vault’ survey

Complete the ‘Cryptocurrency Exchange Security’ survey

Complete the ‘Permissioned Blockchains’ survey

Complete the ‘Central Bank and Public Sector Blockchain Survey’

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